11:42 PM
Posted by
Cartier knockoff ring? - how much is the cartier trinity diamond band
I am looking for a ring, such as Cartier Trinity ring. I want to be sterling silver or white gold diamond band around each of them. In asking if someone knows how and where I can find one. Sure, the way Cartier is, but I did not need to be marked. I want to be made with real gold and diamonds.
12:05 PM
Posted by
Her arms become smaller and smaller.. what is this? - photographs of blood diseases
I have a sister 25 years old. She has a problem with his arm. His arms are smaller and sometimes disturbed. It all started 10 years ago. The first time your left hand and pull the upper arm. Later, the scope of the right hand and arm.
Now she can not use his arms.
Every day, we feed me, clean their genitals, and anal sex, clothing, etc.
She studied diploma. Foggy Recently, his eyes.
We have brought in some doctors in my country, but they did not know the nature of their diseases. After some analysis, photographed, check the nerves, blood tests, which are components of sugar, etc., are doctors in a normal state.
And now, as time passes in the house, hidden from the people.
Would you suggest what should we do?
do not know the name of thethis disease.
12:21 PM
Posted by
Male yeast infection please help ANYONE...? - male yeast infection groin pain
Hello I am a man ... and I have a question to clarify fungal infections ... Ive had a house on a spit in the glass test and I think it's much ... between my legs in my right groin groove between the thighs scabies genitals Ive ... I have no plans or pain ... Sumtimes but have a rash in the morning when I wake up ... but says minutes later, after the cream Gold Bond put it in ... and it does not burn, but the bite to the penis when the urine, but I was not enough, if I can not suffer and I herd of male yeast infection usually appears on the penis ... My left leg gives me a funny feeling in my legs, sometimes it hurts when ... but I have a gas ... Ive been reading many sites and they say that drugs do not treat yeast perscribed only to kills ... and I found sites that say they know the trick to kill him, but I must register and receive the book ... I wonder if the juice is a cure thre country of origin or clarified in any way with this drug without my worst ... I go to the doctor on Monday just in case ... but I want advisory or situation which would, I am very appricitiative ... Thank you for helping us
12:55 PM
Posted by
How to start home beauty parlor in India .i need you suggestions.? - beauty parlor ottawa brazilian
I run a beauty salon at home in India. What and how do I start.
What is needed.
Please provide me.
1:17 PM
Posted by
What is an interesting Environmental Science book I could read over the summer for an AP Envi Sci class? - ap environmental science torrent
I take a course in AP Environmental Science for my last year and I wanted to read some documents during the summer, could relate to an idea of what the class, or in general to see if I care come.
I think the field study at the university, ignited perhaps a little of the spark that my curiosity, or simply a book I found fascinating!
1:45 PM
Posted by
I heard that chicken is not good for baby, it produce phlegm, my baby is 9 mths, and i dare not give? - my baby has phlegms that i do
it .... Has anybody heard of this before? And the food every day is just cooking broth with scallops / vegetables / fish / pork ...... I did not try the new recipe and someone has a recipe to share home cook?
2:19 PM
Posted by
Microsoft Office Professional 2003 Trial? - office professional 2003 serials
I have Microsoft Office Professional 2003 installed, but my Windows and I lost. I still have the product key, but I lost the CD key. I'm using Microsoft Office 2000. I know that if you have a process in a series where you bought it can bring. I want to do so. Could I have a website? I do not really trust download.com. I want a site that is 100% secure. Thanks
2:43 PM
Posted by
Were can i buy a space invaders duvet? - space invader duvet cover
I wanted to get a of Argos, but from the time I got to it, it had not updated the catalog and took the blanket out. Please can someone tell me, could be found for him. Please help
12:19 PM
Posted by
What happens if you swallow mouthwash?? - scope mouthwash swallow
I swallowed a teaspoon or less a mouthwash scope I could think of nothing? Since the cylinder indicates when it is incorporated, call poisoning.
12:40 PM
Posted by
I have a cat who eats far too much? - feline ibs
I have a spayed cat is indoor / outdoor (open air with a belt), which is 3 years.
Back in early September, he weighed 12 pounds. It is a large cat, so it was a good weight for her.
It is now up to 15 pounds.
I followed the instructions of the veterinarian and gave 1 / 2 cup of dry food per day, but now it has this amount is exceeded, and doing something to eat. It scares my gerbil will find around the house in the early hours of the morning and jumping over things and knocking things over to the food.
It receives more than one cup per day, but has stabilized in the day if you do not eat immediately. It is not enough for them anymore.
It is due to go to the vet a few weeks ago, despite its chips tREATMENT so I ask the vet then.
She is on a special diet - which also feline IBD and IBS stomach sensitivity. It is not the chicken. She eats a diet of Turkey, because he did not lamb, venison or rabbit food.
The vet said that over time might have an overactive thyroid or something else. Could it be, why we eat more and gain more weight?
Thank you.
NOTE: - It is a complete food, not junk science regime or Friskies.
12:13 PM
Posted by
Hair extentions? - hair extention and head lice
Ok bear lookin for a clip in hair extensions in my hair to look like over time from? I wondered whether I needed an extension of the head is full? and I was lookin for some people who have already made, as they are, and u, as they find?
12:02 PM
Posted by
Cervix low and soft = normal? - should my cervix be so low
Ok, AF is on this weekend, had some symptoms but had sex last night and had some discomfort in certain positions, how they touched my neck and my husband could not feel. Thus, having inspected the rooms and my throat was very small and very sweet. This is as it should when I'm pregnant? I've heard different things, including the cervix to be hard during the period, so smooth since days before AF, which is a good sign?
11:48 AM
Posted by
New floor mats (car) smells gas. Is that common? and how to get rid of the smell? - rubbermaid car floor mats
I bought a new rug from Target yesterday) (Rubbermaid. I did not notice the smell until I put the carpet in my car and the car for a while. Is it normal? How is the smell?
11:46 AM
Posted by
Are there any free videos/websites for exotic floor dancing? - free exotic dance video
It is not only the pole-dancing, dancing, but on the ground, without the bar
10:57 AM
Posted by
What are some fast growing fruits/vegetables (like grows in 2-5 weeks? - fast growing vegetables
The radishes are fast enough. approximately 60 days.
You can baby leaves in 4-6 weeks.
Alfalfa sprouts are ready in 6 days.
10:39 AM
Posted by
I lost my Mount&blade serial key and now i need it for my game(alrdy bought full game from Future Shop)? - serial mount and blade
I have really bought into a Futureshop in Ontario, while I was on vacation (I live in British Columbia) to my friend that lives 9 hours of travel given my game, but never stopped, but still I'm lost and remove as My M & B does not work, but now I need my serial number to activate it again!
11:13 AM
Posted by
Why do astronomers also need information provided by gamma rays, x rays, infrared, and radio telescopes? - telescopes information
Optical telescopes reveal the nature of astronomical objects, why have above all the astronomers.
11:48 AM
Posted by
How do I find investors for an Adult film business? - film for adult megavideo
I have a store of films for adults in search of investment. I hired a person who has had success in the search for large investors in the past but can not find capital for a company of adults. All ideas are welcome.
12:26 PM
Posted by
Where can i view before and after pictures of brazilian waxing? - picture brazilian wax job
Why do want to ..
12:58 PM
Posted by
Can you tell me where exactly I can purchase replacement bulbs for my Stranne table lamp from IKEA? - replacement bulbs for ikea stranne table lamp
I have this lamp IKEA impressive, but he recently fell and broke three of his light bulbs. I searched everywhere and have not managed to find light bulbs in containers from IKEA. If a replacement lamps from IKEA knows for sale in this sense, let me know. Even if you know exactly what kind of bulb it is generic, and where can I get these lamps also let me know. Be precise in your answer. Thank you very much.
1:30 PM
Posted by
Monkeys have a bone for a pennis? - animals pennis
I saw a television show with Desmond Morris for the years that the monkey is actually a portrude penis bone, when he awoke. Is that true? What other animals have this feature so special?
2:04 PM
Posted by
What kind of wetsuit do I need for surfing in San Diego? - what kind of wetsuit for windsurfing
IM think about buying a combination of comprehensive protection for surfing in winter in SD. what is the thickness of a study I buy
2:24 PM
Posted by
Does someone have a savable version of Pokemon Platinum? - savable pokemon red online
Pokemon Platinum ROM and tried to play in different districts of the EMU. Basically, all versions of NO $ GBA. Every time I save the game works, but when I start the game, it does not go to a menu to load a game. I started a little more. I do not know why, but I think that my version of Pokémon Platinum. Thank you in advance.
2:53 PM
Posted by
I am buying a High Definition Ready TV for use with my computer. What type of connection is best? - how to use hdmi with older units
The TV is 1080i or 1080p, but I am determined to find ways to which model you buy. The options are S-video and RGB cable. I'm using now and the old CRT TV and the record is terrible, even at 640x480. Maybe I have a new video card without the use of component video cables or HDMI cables to buy (sorry, I do not know what the callee). S-video enough to play a decent picture when I get the text and other things to read (Warcraft and say word processor) to 800x600 or 1024x768.
I think the purchase of a 34-inch LCD HDTV instead of a large plasma or LCD units for the lines --
3:27 PM
Posted by
Teen sister tickling? - tickling teen
Teenagers do not tickle fights with your sister win lol whos more sensitive to share a story
4:00 PM
Posted by
Looking to buy dvd recorder with hard drive ? - panasonic dmrex769ebk £199
So to answer, simply, I suppose
Samsung DVDSH893
Panasonic DMREX769EBK
to buy something, regardless of the Panasonic costs around £ 199 in my local store
Panasonic will cost £ 250
what is better for the price, etc.
4:36 PM
Posted by
How brown does Hawaiian Tropic Tanning Oil make you? - hawaiian tropic tees
Hawaiian Tropic suntan oil sunscreen
Continuous Spray SPF 12
Please add a shadow, how to do it ...
Thank you! :)
5:10 PM
Posted by
Does anyone know where I can find an image of the Scott Kay Artiste line of engagement rings? - helzberg artiste collection
It is a collection in the store called Helzberg Artists by Scott Kay. Read on the side of the ring. I can not find pictures of these rings (apparently, is the perception in the store) If I can help someone, I'm looking in particular for the configuration of the three "shelf". Thank you in advance.
5:36 PM
Posted by
Is is normal for water retention caused by PMS to last more than a week? - pms more condition_symptoms
My title pretty sums up my question.
6:08 PM
Posted by
Why are most of the girls who shamelessly show their **** and asses on "Girls Gone Wild" white? - tits why
My friend asked me this question Aboriginal Liam, and I do not know what to say. Perhaps you have a good answer.
6:45 PM
Posted by
Anyone know how to clean out leftover sugar wax in a pan? - wax sugar montreal
I have all the white sugar wax at home, how to clean the stove? (very sticky and dirty)
7:19 PM
Posted by
Do anyone have information as to how I can get an electronic bidet toilet and can I have materialistic info? - electronic toilet seat
I felt a great joy when one years and six months I was in Edinburgh with my husband, who was on deputation from an IT project for Infosys. However, this has nothing to do with my practice. During our stay there in a rented apartment, our landlord had us a toilet seat attached to your existing Electronic bidet toilet.
The whole family enjoyed the freshness of these two benefits for mental health and the general use of the electronic bidet, if we take our IBS, constipation, hemorrhoids password problem. They are after his return to India, really sorry that such facilities, we could not crawl from any supplier of the holders in India, where we could get the same type of bidet in order to install our costs. I do not remember the brand, but as I recall, is the company for the supply of Perth and the name of a specific hygiene. The bidet can also wash inlet.
Please let me know if someone with information on how I can help the
7:47 PM
Posted by
Release Engineering is it a part of the Quality Assurance process, or separate? - software quality assurance process
When it comes to the development of software and hardware that are several processes in place to ensure a product comes onto the market successfully. Two of them are engineering process, manufacturing and quality control. My question is: Where is the output of the engineering and is why:
This version of the engineer:
A: A subset of quality control
B: the owner of a part of quality control
C: in their own business, which has nothing to do with the quality assurance
7:56 PM
Posted by
Is the Canon EOS IX Lite APS SLR a digital camera? - aps camera repair this is not a service manual
Or is 35 mm?
6:43 PM
Posted by
Why burn your woman? what does marriage mean to you? - african woman burned on stake for religious beliefs
I watched Oprah today, an African American woman was burned by her husband. She is lucky to be alive, but was severely burned, he had to pay special attention to your skin. ITS BECAUSE I do not expect amazing that an African-American, but most would have expected that the Pakistani marriage. What's up with "rage" attacks?
7:10 PM
Posted by
What are some fall fashion essentials? - fashion bangles
I know that slouchy boots and all, but not all. Also, if you know of good places to do things like a beautiful pair of slouchy boots Wetseal for $ 28.00. But where is the best place to get a belt, a pair of moccasins, jackets, armbands, etc. Thanks!
7:44 PM
Posted by
To parent that have purchased Outdoor Climbers? - outdoor climbers for toddlers
I want to buy for my daughter to use in the summer. It may be 13 months from the time they use in June She loves going to the park and play there boy toys.
Climber What would you recommend and what have been your experiences with it.
4:41 PM
Posted by
I am looking for an easy and inexpensive way to convert my bathtub in to a shower also. Any ideas? - converting bathtub to hand shower
We have just moved into an old house without a shower. Although the bathroom is from time to time, Nice is just not easy to handle on a daily basis! We have tried to use the handheld shower head, the bathtub faucet connected, but I do not splash water around the bath, even tried to register. So I know I just had all the works, but not install a wall, a shower, but not a right-footed bathtub. But everything is so expensive for me, I'm looking simply for a quick, cheap. All ideas are welcome, thank you!
5:17 PM
Posted by
What natural plant/herb is Viagra chemically extracted from? - tadalafil citrate soft
How have the combination of sildenafil citrate (Viagra) was found, and what from?
Tadalafil citrate (Cialis) and vardenafil HCl (Levitra), which consists of the same plant source, Viagra is it?
5:52 PM
Posted by
Anybody trading shiney pokemon? - what pokemon does doug have in emerald
to lookin shiney pokemon in someone in the trade Pokemon Diamond / Pearl
My name is Doug and friend code is 1719-4089-7581
6:26 PM
Posted by
In pokemon fire red what kinda things can i get in a mystery gift ... and i need a strategy on catching abra? - pokemon fire red strategy
or you can try an ultra ball, but it depends the happiness of Open level.Aniway hold on him.
6:56 PM
Posted by
Anyone know this movie? - earring magic ken
I saw this movie some time around 2003-2006 (?) Was a good movie. This is a pair of earrings, a charm that, if a change from you, they and other bodies need. So this girl was, and if they were so nice, but he had a business. A lost and a man takes it and starts. It Swtich body. Can anyone tell me what movie was it? It was something like The____Chicks? White Chicks, or something: PI know really!
6:22 PM
Posted by
How do you stop a speeder in the neighborhood? - zoom san diego
I have a problem with a movement that a Dodge Ram pickup that has no children, the respect of the drives. We live in a neighborhood on the outskirts of San Antonio and the red neck zoom in our neighborhood is probably the same house to buy drugs. I called the sheriff, but nothing. My husband wants to withdraw its kind in the A **, but I'm afraid, because I stayed home to raise our son. To use suggestions, or to tire blow-start or Rock?
6:54 PM
Posted by
Insoles for flat feet at a decent price? - flat feet insoles
I am 15 and have flat feet. I am looking for a model that can be bought on the Internet, preferably $ 30 or less. Suggestions?
7:25 PM
Posted by
Canoe and camping holidays? - camping holidays in devon
I had my planned trip on the River Wye this week to cancel because of the floods. Can anyone recommend a canoe / camping canoes car?
7:22 PM
Posted by
Does anyone know of a good objective life insurance calculator? - life insurance needs calculator
I need to get the life insurance business, but have not found a good calculator that is provided by an insurance company.
Does anyone know of one?
Thank you!
7:23 PM
Posted by
What are the purpose and function of short-term and long-term health care facilities agency? - long term care agencies
pls. I really need an answer as soon as possible
7:58 PM
Posted by
Media Center? - media center dvb
I want someone to go into the house to see the computer, and someone. It is equipped with Windows Media Center. and say it has something to Google on your desktop and want. Is there a way to delete it?
8:34 PM
Posted by
Does a mortgage merge into a fee when the lender acquires a property? - deed of reconveyance
I do not want a foreclosure, but if a borrower is to sell the property to the lender on the mortgage so as not to the mortgage or act of surrender was technically not yet submitted?
9:10 PM
Posted by
Which order to take my Bodybuilding Supplements? - creatine for sale
My local food store has a sale and bought Hydroxycut, Cell Tech creatine, and some non-explosion (NO2).
I wonder who is taking these three simultaneously. If not, what they make most sense to test for maximizing gains in muscle mass and look good, because it's summer.
9:44 PM
Posted by
Can anyone give me basic draft pattern for salwar kameez? - salwar kameez patterns
U Need 4 meters salwar.
2 meters by 2 meters and salwar.
Please send me the e-mail address ur trying to say Stiching method.
10:16 PM
Posted by
Any ideas for a mixed race wedding? - asian wedding cakes
I am a musician Shanghai Asia are born and married a white Catholic in December, I googled some marriages in the West, but I would like to add some details to our wedding East. Please share the ideas of a marriage of a mixed culture, as the ceremony, reception, decoration, cooking, music, cake, wedding dress, bridesmaids' dresses ...
10:51 PM
Posted by
Need to write Thank yous to my Aunts and Uncles in my programs? - how to word thank yous in a wedding program
I have to write a big thank you to my uncles and aunts in my wedding program. I can not write at all! Does anybody know where I can find a script? I want nice and sweet.
11:22 PM
Posted by
What works best on a textured fiberglass tub? - fiberglass tubs
One of our bathrooms has a tub with the texture of fiber, and realized it was dirty and had stains. I have tried to give cleaning with a stiff brush and a comet, but not. That does not bother me, is a chemical harder for the deep cleaning that ... Suggestions?
11:56 PM
Posted by
Ladies I cross dress, would you make me an outfit? - ladies denim dress
That's what I like to wear skirts, dresses, hose and stockings, thigh highs, wig, enchance breast, bras, makeup, high heels, flats, heels. I love the colors black, red, denim, Camoflauge, a pretty pink, dark blue. Make two or three teams and ensure that they are cheaper than ever 100th
12:31 AM
Posted by
Will preemie sized baby clothes fit the American Girl Bitty Baby dolls/twins? - twin baby clothes
I think of the American Girl Bitty Twins for my daughter for her 3rd Birthday get. She loves to change clothes for dolls and doll beds, but American Girl clothes are so expensive! Who knows, if the size of clothing for premature babies adapt to Bitty / Bitty Twins? It's really sad that baby clothes are real 1 / 2 price of the clothing of the doll!