Hugo Elite Why Do Leftists Deliberately Supress Knowledge About The Horrors Of Communism?
Why do Leftists deliberately supress knowledge about the horrors of Communism? - hugo elite
If the left to suppress knowledge of the historical school of Communist atrocities and washed them, they have not earned some honest reaction?
August 27, 2007
Ninety percent of Swedish students aged 15-20 do not know what a gulag, and there are some that should be taken that the schools should teach about the crimes of communism to continue. As long as the elites will continue to defend an ideology, do not ask, Nima Sanandaj Captus think tank.
Few are aware of the massive loss of life by the followers of this ideology goes out and not even know 90 percent of Swedish students aged 15-20, what a gulag.
Similarly, the Swedish journalists seem more interested in pointing out that Venezuela, Hugo Chávez, morally superior to Americans Standing vile socialist and watched his movements to a dubious socialist planned economy and authoritarian rule.
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